Chemical Speciation Modelling Software Version 1.01, and Tutorials

The MarChemSpec modelling software and its capabilities are described in our June 2023 post, and also under the new menu item ‘Software’ (see above). The models were released on June 15-16 at an event following the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Summer Workshop. Our tutorials were recorded, and can be viewed on YouTube here.
The new version 1.01 of the software can now be downloaded. This differs from our initial release in June in these respects:
- An error in the model for trace metal complexation has been corrected. This affects only Cu2+ complexation at temperatures other than 25 oC.
- The documentation of the MarChemSpec Python function has been amended to describe better how directory paths should be specified to the function.
Please go to the software page on this website for downloads and a link to our Zenodo archive.
There will be a further release of the software, with greatly increased capabilities, to coincide with AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences in February 2024. Our group will be attending the meeting.
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